Matchbox pinhole camera and the meaning of life

I made a new, smaller pinhole for my matchbox pinhole camera. It seems to have increased the sharpness, but it also introduced some more light leaks. Which is just as well and good.

I've been reading the book by "How to do nothing" by Jenny Odell. I'm just midway through but I love it. It's one of those books that seems to be written just for you.

About the meaning of life. I'm trying my damnest to stop looking for it. Because it very probably just "is". That's the paradox; you can't find it, only way to joy would be to realize that. But my brain has never been any good at accepting logical realizations, they want emotional and intuitive awakenings.

There is something intuitive about pinhole photography. You can only partially decide what you photograph, and the rest is added by the cosmos. It forces you to come to terms with chance and randomness.

I'm still struggling with my GAS. My mind is yelling at me to buy something new. What are the origins of this kind of brain function? How did this feeling manifest in the brain of stone age people?

Btw, according to the Monty Python- crew the meaning of life is "Well, it's nothing very special. Try to be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."


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